We were overjoyed to celebrate the salvation of an older mother who was witnessed to by one of our church members at her gym. This mother came to know Christ and invited both her adult sons to our church. Her one son started attending a Bible study and soon gave his life to Christ. He invited his older brother and wife to come and see what God was doing. They started attending, and both husband and wife also surrendered to Christ. Recently, nine people were baptized including all four adults from this family. In addition to salvations and baptisms, we are seeing great strides of spiritual growth and maturity. Below are the pictures of this family:

Another highlight was in January, Andrea led a 4-hour training seminar on inductive Bible study with 48 women in attendance. These women will be involved in small group inductive Bible studies this year.

At our annual business meeting, we had 14 new members join and the official transition to our first Brazilian senior pastor was voted on and approved!
Additionally, Tim has developed a new partnership with a seminary in Mozambique to offer his church planting training course. He is teaching a group in Mozambique online once a week. These partnerships are strengthening our conviction to continue with our goal of a church planting training center.
A final highlight is our continued partnership with this small congregation. They have been meeting on someone’s porch in a neighboring city and in addition to weekly services, our team has started monthly youth group meetings and a ladies' Bible study for the core group of this church plant.