Happy 2021 to all……We made it! Like probably most of you, we find ourselves wondering, “what just happened?” as the events of 2020 seem like a whirlwind of surprises, trials, adjustments, readjustments, and survival tactics. By God’s grace, we not only survived, but we were able to grow and learn and accomplish our main goals for the year. Connecting personally with all of our supporting churches was an amazing gift in the midst of so many shut downs and cancellations.

We Are Grateful
Now, we are diligently preparing for our return to Brazil in 12 days (Departing Monday, January 25, 2021), and we are eager to get started back with so many facets of ministry that we left behind. Rejoice with us that God has used our partner churches and families to meet all of our financial needs necessary to return. We are fully supported and able to return and reboot life in general with the gifts we received! Gratitude just fills our hearts. Returning without immediate financial concerns is a gift that provides peace as we continue. Please continue to pray as we still have funds to raise for our church plant property and will keep praying and waiting on Him for that step.
Thank you
Thank you for partnering with us. Thank you for praying for us and being our anchor here in the USA as we return. You are loved.
Philippians 1:3-5
“ I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”
With grateful hearts heading back to Brazil,
Tim and Andrea Blazer